Mimosa 14 title illo by Alexis Gilliland
from Rich and Nicki Lynch, P.O. Box 3120, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20885, U.S.A.
e-mail: mimosazine (at) yahoo (dot) com

Mimosa is a fanzine very much devoted to the preservation of the history of science fiction fandom. The non-electronic version of this 14th issue was published in August 1993 and is ©1993 by Nicki and Richard Lynch, with individual rights reverting back to contributors after this one-time use. 'Worldcon' and 'Hugo Award' are service marks of the World Science Fiction Society. All opinions and versions of events expressed by contributors are their own.

illustration by Alexis Gilliland

Cover: Launch!  by Kurt Erichsen 1
Opening Comments: alt.clueless  by Rich Lynch 3-4
Chat cartoon  by Teddy Harvia 4
You Do It With Mirrors  by Dave Langford 5-13
A Child's Garden of Rockets  by Mike Glyer 14-16
The Science Fiction League  by Dave Kyle 17-24
Time Was...  by Shelby Vick 25-26
I Remember Me  by Walt Willis 27-31
Vanishing Fans  by Ahrvid Engholm 32-37
Tales of Adventure and Medical Life, Part IX  by Sharon Farber 38-41
I Can't Watch: A Personal Look at War Movies and More  by David Thayer 42-44
The Movies  by Terry Jeeves 45-48
Nancy With the Laughing Eyes  by Howard DeVore 49-50
Mimosa Letters 51-63
Closing Comments: The *Zine* Scene  by Nicki Lynch 64-65
Back Cover: Recovery?  by Kurt Erichsen 66

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