----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRELIMINARY OUTLINE FOR A PROPOSED FAN HISTORY BOOK OF THE 1960s Comments on this outline-in-progress are requested!!! (last modified on January 9, 2001) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (NOTE: THIS CHAPTER MOSTLY FOR FANS WHO WERE RENOWNED OUTSIDE OF THEIR REGION OR SUBFANDOM. ALSO FOR FANS MENTIONED IN AWOF WHO HAD SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITIES IN THE 1960S. MANY OTHER IMPORTANT FANS WILL BE COVERED IN CHAPTERS ON REGIONAL FANDOMS, INTERNATIONAL FANDOM, AND PUBLICATIONS.) * Irish Fandom - Irish fandom can be traced back at least as far as 1947; that was the year that Walt Willis met James White > they immediately discovered they had a common interest in prozine collecting > when Willis acquired a reliable typewriter, White almost immediately started producing fan fiction. > it was only a short step from that to Willis's first fanzine, SLANT, which made its first appearance in 1948 -- was originally produced on a printing press with hand-set type -- became a home for some of the fan fiction - HYPHEN > successor to SLANT; was much more fannish and less sercon -- (need some info here on historical beginnings, and some quotes about why HYPHEN was started and SLANT ended) > edited by Walt Willis and Chuck Harris in 1950s -- Dublin fan Ian McAuley became co-editor in late 1960 (issue 25) > became one of the most legendary fanzines ever published -- (details) > five issues published in 1961 (nos. 26-30) > (other info on 1960s issues) > last issue was #36 (Feb. 1965) except for a 1980s revival issue -- (info or quotes on the end of HYPHEN) - Irish Fandom had been the center of fannish fandom during the 1950s > had introduced fandom to `ghoodminton', fansmanship, the Goon Defective Agency... -- `ghoodminton' was a fannish equivalent of badminton; the only place you could play it was in the attic of Oblique House, the Willis home at 170 Upper Newtownards Road in Belfast -- net was stretched between a printing press and a chair; a decrepit shuttlecock and two squares of cardboard were only equipment -- there was only one enforced regulation for the game: you couldn't throw heavy objects at your opponent -- ghoodminton gained fame in the pages of HYPHEN, and later in other fanzines, as one of the things in Irish Fandom that made it fun and special > been the genesis of such timeless fan writings as THE ENCHANTED DUPLICATOR, which derived from a BBC production called "The Dark Tower" > each year, they published a entertainly fannish Christmas Card which they sent to fans in Britain and North America > during the early 1960s, their fannishness remained an energy source for the rest of fandom - Walt Willis > besides SLANT and HYPHEN, Willis also was a frequent contributor to other fanzines -- his column "The Harp That Once or Twice", perhaps his most famous series of articles, appeared in Lee Hoffman's QUANDRY in the early 1950s > was brought to U.S. in 1952 in one of the first fan fund trips -- the `WAW with the Crew in '52' campaign, organized by Shelby Vick, succeeded in bringing Willis to the second Chicon, with visits to fans on both coasts as well -- his subsequent trip report, "The Harp Stateside", was arguably the best fan trip report ever written -- the founding of the Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund in 1954 can be directly traced to the 1952 Willis fan fund > (fan activities in early 1960s?) > Return to U.S. in 1962 -- Madeleine, who did not make the first trip, did come to North America this time -- once again, special fan fund had been set up -- attended 1962 Worldcon >> Greyhound lost their luggage, setting off scorching letter from Willis to Greyhound, and a large-scale fan search of Greyhound terminals --- over a year later, one of the two pieces was finally located in Brooklyn >> another Willis trip report resulted: "Twice Upon a Time" --- installments published in HYPHEN > after mid 1965, his presence faded out from British fandom -- HYPHEN ended publication -- did only occasional articles for U.S. fanzines, though he did author a nonfiction book, THE IMPROBABLE IRISH, which was published in 1969 under the pseudonym of `Walter Bryan' -- his farewell appearance in fandom was at 1965 Worldcon >> more than a decade would pass before he appeared at another convention - Bob Shaw > (short bio and other info here) - George Charters > perhaps the least well-known member of IF, but the most prolific member of IF in the 1960s -- (short bio here) -- 19 issues of fanzine THE SCARR (anagram of "Charters") published between 1963 and 1970 - John Berry > (short bio here) > very active in early 1960s -- voted Best Fan Writer in SKYRACK poll of 1960 -- one of founders of the apa IPSO in 1960 > activity started to fade after 1962 -- stopped going to meetings of Irish Fandom -- final fanzine collaboration with ATom, HARLEQUIN, in 1964 -- only a few sporadic fanzine contributions after that >> would be more than 2 decades before Berry became active again - James White > (short bio and other info here) - Last meeting of Irish Fandom in Oblique House, May 6, 1965, as reported in the 79th issue of SKYRACK > "On 6th May the old red brick house at 170 Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast, which had been the H.Q. of Irish Fandom for nearly 20 years, finally reverted to the mundane plane of existence. At a house-cooling party the occasion was marked by a simple but moving ceremony attended by all Irish fandom. In the fan attic the last ghoodminton service was solemnly performed by Bob Shaw. Symbolically, it was not returned. Instead the last shuttlecock was picked up by John Berry and reverently removed to its final resting place, a time capsule donated by Sadie Shaw. Also in the glass, cylindrical two pound capsule were deposited a copy of THE ENCHANTED DUPLICATOR (1st edition), some hyphens in printing type, used for SLANT, a dollop of duplicating ink, James White's first bow tie (symbolising the professional element of IF) and signatures of the great fans and good friends who had stayed at Oblique House during the years... The time capsule was then buried in the front lawn, underneath the cherry tree, in earth with which had been mingled the sacred soil of South Gate, donated by Rick Sneary. A fannish era had ended." * Inchmery fandom - one of focal points for British fandom of the late 1950s > Vincent Clarke -- (mini-bio goes here) > Joy Clarke > Sandy Sanderson -- (mini-bio goes here) - personal problems surfaced in mid-1960 > Sanderson and Joy Clarke emigrated to U.S., eventually married > Vincent Clarke quit fandom, was not heard from again until the 1980s -- moved back to his parents' house in Welling -- He said later, "Fandom was too painful for me at that time." * Seattle fandom (The Nameless Ones) - Jack Speer > (mini bio here) > moved to New Mexico in 1961 - Wally Weber > (mini bio here) - F.M. & Elinor Busby > (mini bios here) - William Austin > (mini bio here) - Wrai Ballard > (mini bio here) - Seattle fandom hosted a Worldcon in 1961, which will be described later, but it's most notable contribution to fandom was the fanzine CRY > it was born in the 1950s as CRY OF THE NAMELESS -- in mid 1950s, shortened its name to CRY, as fans there came to realize that it had taken a life of its own, and was not really an entity of The Nameless Ones any more > edited by a variety of people over its lifetime -- in 1960s, mostly the project of Wally Weber > gained a reputation in the 1950s as one of the most fannish fanzines -- one of its most popular features was its large letters column, "Cry of the Readers" -- in the 1950s, it was the conduit into fandom for many younger fans who were just beginning to send off for fanzines -- it was a place where newer fans were at home with science fiction personalities such as Ellison, Asimov, Silverberg, Walt Willis, and Harry Warner, Jr. >> becoming a CRY letterhack was a kind of fannish rite of passage > contained prozine review column by F. M. Busby (as "Renfrew Pemberton"); "Fandom Harvest" column by Terry Carr; John Berry's serialized 1959 North American trip report "The Goon Goes West" > first issue of the 1960s was #135, the tenth annish, was one of best ever -- in that issue, Hal Lynch provided piece of fan fiction about a fan who wanted to make a 12-hour film based on Moskowitz's THE IMMORTAL STORM >> Jose Ferrer played Don Wollheim; Gregory Peck as Bob Tucker; Yul Brynner as Hoy Ping Pong; and Raymond Burr as Sam Moskowitz -- also included Dean Grennell denying that he was Les Nirenberg, an article by Les Gerber "How to Write Faan Fiction", and a letter from Bob Lichtman that summarized how many seasoned fans must have felt about fandom as the 1960s were just beginning: "I'm glad I'm not joining fandom now; think of all the things I'd have to wait ever so long to enter into the fun of, while I'm already in them. The learning process continues, and as I read every new fanzine I get, and with every letter I receive, and so on. I doubt that even Bloch knows everything about fandom, but imagine what a vast knowledge the elder Ghods like he and Tucker must have -- fannish illusions and jokes long forgotten by other fen." > ceased publication after the 174th issue in mid 1964 -- primarily due to Wally Weber being moved by his employer, Boeing, from the Seattle area to Huntsville, Alabama -- briefly made a comeback in the late 1960s under Vera Heminger, but it wasn't the same -- Rich Brown, a frequent contributor to the letters column, looked back at CRY some decades later, and delivered this eulogy: "No other fanzine of the time had quite the same mixture of pros and BNFs and new fanzine fans as *enthusiastic* participants; people didn't just `like' CRY, they were genuinely *fond* of it." * Terry Carr - TAFF delegate - also can be included in list of fans who became pros > novel WARLORD OF KOR published by Ace in 1963 > short story "Hop Friend" selected for 1963 F&SF anthology > worked for Scott Meredith Agency - during last half of 1950s and first half of 1960s, was perhaps the world's most prominent fan > (recap activities of 1950s, including Carl Brandon hoax) > his fanzine INNUENDO, one of the best fanzines of the 1960s, deserves a special summary of its own -- was started in February 1957 -- ran for (how many?) issues -- there were many outstanding issues in the run >> the 94-page third annish, in 1960, was filled with quality contributions, including Walt Willis's entertaining "The Raybin Story", a fannish `screenplay' about the WSFS fan feuds of the late 1950s (correct?), and Harry Warner, Jr.'s detailed review of Moskowitz's THE IMMORTAL STORM * Bob Bloch > (quick recap of fan/pro activities from prior decades) > unfortunately for fandom, during 1960s, his fan activities became almost imperceptible when compared to his burgeoning career as a writer of books and screenplays -- his script for the STAR TREK episode "What Little Girls Are Made Of" was hailed as one of the best in the show's run -- also wrote for the British TV show JOURNEY INTO THE UNKNOWN, which got him an extended trip to England * Elmer Perdue * Richard Geis - fanzine PSYCHOTIC, started in the 1950s >> (brief recap goes here) --- in the 1960s, remained a fairly lively forum for discussion of current fan topics, such as the ongoing New Wave phenomenon in science fiction >>> some of the discussions became a bit bitter; Ted White and Harry Harrison carried on some unplesantness in the pages of the fanzine [source: TWhite 10Feb99 email] >> changed its name to SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW in 1968 --- by the late 1960s, PSY's focus had changed, away from fandom toward science fiction, featuring book reviews and author interviews. --- As Geis described the reason for the title change, "Essentially, PSY is/was too inappropriate as a title for what the zine had become. I don't mean to sound as if the zine will be stuffy and formal -- it'll be casual and active as usual, but a lot of the adult juvenility will be cut. A lot, but not all. I'm a kid at heart, even if I am slowly growing up." * Harlan Ellison - (recap of 1950s stuff, including 7th Fandom, Midwestcon Door, etc.) - in 1960s, he mostly went about his business of becoming one of the best science fiction writers of all time > won three Hugo Awards for fiction; another Hugo went to a STAR TREK episode he had written the screenplay for - in addition to his science fiction stories, he also found other outlets for his writing > became a pundit with his continuing column about television, `The Glass Teat', in the L.A. FREE PRESS -- these brought him a plaudit from TV news personality Walter Cronkite, who praised Ellison for "being one of the few writers in the field doing responsible reportage on the subject." > also became very active as a screenwriter for television, with teleplays for STAR TREK and THE OUTER LIMITS, of which more will be said in later chapters - however, his biggest achievement during the 1960s was not in anything he wrote, but rather, in an anthology he edited that was titled DANGEROUS VISIONS > (a bit of background here, including an Ellison quote) > won him a special award at the 1968 Worldcon > by end of the decade, a companion volume, AGAIN, DANGEROUS VISIONS was in the works - his fan activities were mostly limited to convention appearances > however, his limited fan activities by no means made him immune to controversy, as we will see in later chapters of this book * Dave Kyle * Bjo Trimble - came into fandom in the early 1950s; one of her first appearances in fandom was the 1952 Worldcon, when she was known as Betty Jo McCarthy - became one of the leading fans in LASFS in last half of 1950s > her interests were varied: she almost immediately became known as a fanzine publisher, fan artist, fan writer, and convention attendee > however, she became better known for her organizing ability, which would directly translate into two activities in the 1960s that brought her even more prominence - the first of these was announced in the February 24, 1960 issue (no. 53) of FANAC as follows: "A project is starting to form an art exhibit featuring the work of fan-artists from all over at the Pittcon; assistance from artists and interested parties is requested -- write to Bjo." > this announcement was the harbinger of the Worldcon art shows, the first of which was at the Pittcon in 1960 > originally called "Project Art Show", later in the decade it became "The International Science-Fantasy Art Exhibition" > the idea was Bjo's but she was assisted by her husband John (whom she had married in 1960) > Bjo took show on the road to Worldcons and other conventions -- helpers included Juanita Coulson, who administered the show at Discon when Bjo couldn't attend, and Bruce Pelz, who administered the show at the 1964 Baycon, when Bjo's pregnancy prevented her from attending > by 1969, had evolved into organization that was involved with judging and awarding prizes, in addition to administration -- by this time, Bjo and Bruce Pelz were Directors -- rules for entering, judging, etc. had been codified into a publication, THE INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE-FANTASY ART EXHIBITION HANDBOOK > however, by 1968, Bjo's interests had shifted towards the second of her major activity areas in the 1960s, the television show STAR TREK and its fandom, which will be described in a later chapter -- in 1969, she relinquished control of ISFAE to an umbrella organization, Con-Fusion, set up by Bruce Pelz, Chuck Crayne, and Ken Rudolph >> Con-Fusion was also involved in running the 1969 Westercon and the 1972 Worldcon, lasted through 1972 before passing from existence -- in later decades, art shows became a rule rather than an exception at science fiction conventions, a showplace for professional artists to display and sell their work and for fan artists to gain renown >> all this can be traced back to a good idea Bjo came up with at the beginning of the decade of the 1960s * Eric Bentcliffe * Charles Burbee * Dean Grennell * Bill Donaho - edited the fanzine HABAKKUK > * Lou Tabakow * Milton Rothman * Jack Speer * Bill Rotsler * Richard Bergeron - a fan artist and also a fanzine publisher, who first became active in the 1950s - outside of fandom he was a professional artist for an advertising agency; he had attended the New England School of Art, though his professional work seemed to incorporate photographs of objects as much as or even more than original illustration [source: TWhite 10Feb99 email] > the January 1962 issue of ART DIRECTION had a review of sorts of Bergeron's professional work: "Impact plus taste characterize much of Dick Bergeron's work. Oversize watches, pills, ears, big type plus a quiet handling of text blocks give his design a combined sense of drama and careful organization." > his professional work had been displayed in the 1961 and 1962 shows of the New York Art Directors Club - Bergeron's fan art had a distinctive style, somewhat abstract and surreal > his fan art was far removed from any structured illustration he did professionally, Dick Eney thought, "as a way to relax after a hard day of being realistic and representational" [source: Eney 10Feb99 email] - published WARHOON, one of the best fanzines of the decade > true to his commercial art stle, WARHOON didn't use fancy layouts or typography; he concentrated on content over form, keeping to a somewhat spartan design > (much info about WARHOON) * Roger Sims * Howard DeVore * George Barr - in addition to fan activities, sang with Salt Lake City Symphonic Choir * Elliot Shorter * Tim Kirk * Ed Meskys * Andy Porter * Mike Resnick * Jay Kay Klein - noted fan photographer - did "Convention Annual" publications for sale to fans, consisting of photographs taken at the previous year's Worldcon > started in 1961, with photos of the 1960 Pittcon > others in the series included albums of 1962's Chicon III, 1963's Discon, 1966's Tricon, 1967's NyCon 3, (others?) * Norm Metcalf * George Heap * Harry Bell - came into fandom in 1965 > was told about fandom by John Barfoot, a fan who was a co-worker of his at Department of Health and Social Security in Newcastle - first convention was Yarcon, the 1966 Eastercon - became known as one of fandom's premiere artists > first fanzine contribution was a cover for Barfoot's fanzine, BUMBLIE, that was part of a PADS apa mailing in 1965 Obituaries * During the 1960s, modern science fiction fandom fandom reached its 30th birthday - as fandom aged, so did its fans; more and more often during the decade there was the awful news of another prominent fan or pro who had passed on - in particular, one year, 1968, was especially costly to the sf world from the number of prominent fans and pros who died in that year > it became referred to as "The Year of the Jackpot", as had 1958 a decade earlier, for the same reason -- reference was taken from the title of a Heinlein story that ended with the death of its main character when the world ended > besides the fans mentioned in the following section, 1968 also saw the loss of science fiction and fantasy writers and editors who didn't have much contact with fandom, such as... -- Mervyn Peake, author of the Gormenghast trilogy of fantasy novels -- Karl Birger Blomdahl, composer of "Aniara" the first science fiction opera -- Groff Conklin, editor of many sf anthologies -- Vardis Fisher, author of the "Testament of Man" series of stories -- Cornell Woolrich, a writer of fantasy, but better known as a mystery writer -- Gerald Kersh, who also wrote both fantasy and mysteries -- Charles Beaumont, who had been active in the 1950s in fandom for a brief time under the name of Charles Nutt * E. E. "Doc" Smith - had undergone operation to remove lung not long before 1964 worldcon - died August 31, 1965, at age 75, just a few weeks short of his 50th wedding anniversary - cause of death was heart attack, the second within a few days - Smith's background was that of a chemical engineer, and his science and engineering background was probably instrumental in influencing his super- science type of space opera fiction, which featured gigantic spaceships, force fields, and inertialess faster-than-light drives > he was sometimes referred to as 'The Father of Modern Science Fiction' > his most famous series was the 'Skylark' series; a final "Skylark" novel was serialized in IF magazine in 1965 -- he was in ill health at the time, which led to substantially rumors that the novel had been re-written by Fred Pohl - soon after his death Boston fandom set up an annual Skylark Award in his memory, to be given out annually at the Boskone convention > award given to the person who, in the opinion of the sponsoring organization, NESFA, had contributed significantly, as Doc Smith had, in keeping the sense of wonder in science fiction alive; it was also a way to recognize authors whose best works were published prior to the establishment of the Hugo Awards - it should also be pointed out, however, that Smith was also a fan at heart, and enjoyed traveling to Worldcons * H. Beam Piper - author of "Little Fuzzy" and "Paratime Police" books > likened himself as `Little Fuzzy's Father' > he had never gotten the message that his writing was well liked, and that he had attracted a fandom of his own - was found shot to death on Nov. 9, 1964 - the earlier death of Piper's his agent (who kept most of records in his head) had stopped the inflow of money > Piper didn't know that money was owed him from his books -- at the end, he was reduced to shooting pigeons for food >> convinced he was a failure, he draped all his furniture, left a brief suicide note, and shot himself * Cordwainer Smith (a.k.a. Dr. Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger) - died of heart attack on Aug. 6, 1966, in Washington, D.C., at age 53 - author of memorable SF, including his famous story "Scanners Live in Vain" which appeared in FANTASY BOOK #6 (1950) > first story (non-SF or fantasy) appeared in 1928 > majority of his stories appeared between 1959 and 1965 > wrote a few non-SF novels under a different pseudonym - did not associate with fans or fandom, though there were reports that he had been tempted to attend the 1963 Worldcon under a false name - in real life worked for U.S. Government > had helped U.S. Army develop its psychological warfare department during World War Two -- was recognized as a world authority on the subject -- wrote book titled PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE, which had at least two editions > was an expert on Asiatic Affairs -- his godfather had been Sun Yat-Sen -- taught Asian politics to members of Diplomatic Corps >> was part of Department of Asian Politics at the Johns Hopkins University --- was known as "The China Man" - had visited Australia in 1960s, but did not contact fandom while he was there > worked with a Canberra academic named Arthur Burns, who was later interviewed by John Foyster about Linebarger's visit -- interview was later published in AUSTRALIAN SF REVIEW, then later still by Andy Porter * David H. Keller, M.D. - died at his home in Stroudsburg, Penn. on July 13, 1966, at age 86 - had gall bladder surgically removed about a week earlier > had appeared to be recovering when his heart failed - had written for the pulps from 1920s through 1940s > novels in paperback included THE HOMUNCULUS, THE DEVIL AND THE DOCTOR, and THE SIGN OF THE BURNING HART - was also friendly and accomodating to fans > often contributed to fanzines -- he had written so many fanzine articles that Illinois fan Bruce Robbins had compiled and published a checklist of them -- was only near the end of his life, however, that he wrote about his feelings for fanzines and fan editors: "During the past 25 years, I have contributed largely to those magazines and have never regretted it. The constant contact with youth has served to lessen the ravages of time. Many of my best friends were fanzine editors, While none ever asked me to serve as assistant editor, they all seemed to apreciate my efforts to make their magazines more interesting." > was a life member of the NFFF -- had given THE SIGN OF THE BURNING HART to the NFFF for publication in 1947 * John Beynon Harris - died in March 11, 1969, at age 65 - wrote science fiction under the pseudonym of John Wyndham, including the novel DAY OF THE TRIFFIDS which was made into a movie - although not really a fan, he was a frequent attendee of the British National Conventions in the 1950s and 1960s, and was a friend of British fandom * Tony Boucher (a.k.a. William Anthony Parker White) - died of lung cancer on April 29, 1968 - was best known as editor of THE MAGAZINE OF FANTASY & SCIENCE FICTION, which he had been for the first nine years of its existence > also gained prominence as a critic and a writer, especially in the mystery genre -- had written a number of mystery novels, including ROCKET TO THE MORGUE (did this feature sf fans thinly-disguised as characters?) > his other interests had included opera, and had conducted several radio shows on the topic, as well as writing a column in the magazine OPERA NEWS - had adopted the name "Anthony Boucher" in 1937, when he learned that the Library of Congress listed 75 different authors by the name of William White > he also used the pseudonym "H. H. Holmes" for some of his fiction and critical writings - was a frequent attendee of worldcons, including the 1950 Worldcon, where he was Guest of Honor > in 1958, he had mediated the end of the WSFS worldcon crisis which had threatened to devastate fandom - a favorite of fans > he was not the kind of professional that isolated himself from fans; at conventions he was a party-goer and a poker player - when the World Mystery Convention was founded (when?) by Bruce Pelz (and others?), it was named the BoucherCon in his honor * Frank R. Paul - died of a heart attack on June 29, 1963, at age 79 - was well-liked by fans > was known as Mr. Science Fiction Illustration > Forry Ackerman had dressed up in a Frank R. Paul-inspired costume at the very first worldcon, in 1939, where Paul was the Guest of Honor - was a hard worker, right up to his death > the night he died he had been working on a painting for Hugo Gernsback * Willy Ley - died on June 23, 1969, at age 63 of a heart attack - was internationally known as a science writer > wrote the first science book on rocketry, in 1926 -- was a charter member of German Rocket Society, but fled Nazi Germany in 1935 -- settled in U.S., becoming a citizen in 1944 > became famous for his popularizations of space travel -- won the non-fiction part of the International Fantasy Award in 1951 for THE CONQUEST OF SPACE, which was illustrated with paintings by Chesley Bonestell - became a lifelong science fiction fan > discovered American science fiction in 1930, and fandom in 1931, while he was still in Germany > was a frequent attendee of science fiction conventions > was the Guest of Honor at the 1953 Worldcon (Philcon II), the only time an exclusively non-fiction writer was so-honored - died only one month before first manned landing on the moon * Mark Clifton - sf author who won Hugo Award in 1955 for "They'd Rather Be Right", in collaboration with Frank Riley - died in November 1963 of lung cancer - was described by Ron Ellik as "a powerful presence at Westercons, always attracting large crowds of fans" * Hannes Bok (born Wayne Woodard) - died on April 11, 1964. at age 50 - science fiction artist and illustrator > first cover was for December 1939 issue of WEIRD TALES > last cover was for F&SF, November 1963 for Zelazny's "A Rose for Ecclesiastes" > won Hugo Award (what year?) - also a professional writer > he completed two unfinished works of A. Merritt > had some of his own short fiction published in the 1940s in STARTLING and UNKNOWN - in spite of his brilliance in fantasy illustration, he had lived a solitary, meager existence - was eulogized by Lin Carter as "a warm, whimsical, pixyish, sympathetic person" * John Michel - died in the autumn of 1968, drowned in a foot anfd a half of water at a summer resort in New York State where he was offseason caretaker > was 51 years old > was classified as a probable suicide, though it may have been the result of progressive mental illness -- in the 1950s and 1960s, he had had several instances of suicidal tendencies and had undergone a series of shock treatments - he was one of the more prominent as well as one of the more controversial people in the early years of science fiction fandom > in 1936, was the originator of the idea for a group of New York City fans of the International Scientific Association fan club visiting the fans of the Philadelphia chapter of the old Science Fiction League. The resulting event, which took place on October 22, 1936, was the very first science fiction convention > in 1938, became part of a leftist political movement in fandom that became known as 'Michelism' -- Michelism was introduced in a speech at the 1937 Third Eastern Science Fiction Convention (in Philadelphia), where fandom was petitioned to work toward a unified world utopia atate >> many fans took this as a synonym for communism, while many others railed against the interjection of politics into fandom -- for a time in the 1930s, he was a member of the Young Communist League, and during the 1940s, was a member of the Communist Party >> however, convictions in that cause weakened with time, and in 1949, was asked to leave because of non-attendance of meetings > in July 1939, was one of six fans of the Futurian Society of New York excluded from the first worldcon - in later years, went through a succession of jobs and interests > did some free-lance writing, including comic strips and some how-to articles for POPULAR SCIENCE magazine > worked as a newspaper feature editor for the Poughkeepsie NEW YORKER > had even become an honorary member of chamber of commerce of Greenwood Lake, New York > had started a book on boat models, which he had completed all except the last chapter at the time he died > strangely enough, Michel's best work was probably a series of sex novels for Beacon Books, of which Damon Knight wrote "were of a high order of competence, better written than most science fiction" - Knight's epitaph for Michel, which appeared in THE FUTURIANS, seemed to sum up the life of John Michel: "It seems to me now that he really deeply felt certain rather shallow things. And maybe that was the tragedy of Michel, that all his depth was in shallow places." * Morojo (a.k.a. Myrtle Rebecca Douglas) - died on Nov. 30, 1964, at age 60 - was active fan in the 1940s > one-time girlfriend of Forry Ackerman - special fanzine: MYRTLE REBECCA DOUGLAS: AN APPRECIATION appeared in Feb. 1965 FAPA mailing * Ron Ellik - killed in automobile accident in January 27, 1968 > was on the way to visit Jon and Joni Stopa in Wisconsin when accident happened > had been engaged to Lois Lavender; wedding date was to have been later that year - was TAFF delegate to Europe in 1961 - (mini bio goes here) > had nickname of "The Squirrel", given to him early on when he kept being admonished by older fans such as Rick Sneary for his constant "chitterchatter" -- Ellik took to the nickname, describing his own writing style as "chitterchattery", and had Bjo do cartoons of him depicted as a good-humored squirrel - was co-editor (along with Terry Carr) of FANAC, the newszine that won a Hugo Award in 1959 - in 1961, started a bi-weekly newszine STARSPINKLE > ended publication in 1964, after reaching 50th issue - had even sold fiction professionally: co-authored one of THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. novelizations; was published not long before he died > in addition, had co-authored a non-fiction book, THE UNIVERSES OF E.E. SMITH, that was published in 1966 * Terry Burns - died on Dec. 18, 1966, in an auto accident - was active in the Little Mens club in the San Francisco/Oakland area - was returning home from Christmas party at home of Alva Rogers in Castro Valley > car was found next day in a ravine, 70 feet down a hillside from the road * Frank Marr - died in December 1968 in an automobile accident - was one of the founding members of the MIT Science Fiction Society - had a large sf collection, which was subsequently sold * Roger Phillips Graham - died March 2, 1966 of heart complications, at age 56 > had been under doctor's care for six years > was scheduled to have heart surgery to replace defective valve > after being hospitalized for a pre-operative period in late February of 1966, he entered a coma and put into intensive care. > never recovered - Graham was another example of someone who was an author and a fan at the same time > (info on stories written, magazines edited) > during the 1940a and 1950s, had also written "The Club House", a continuing column for AMAZING that covered fan activities -- Ray Palmer credited Graham's column for bringing many new people into fandom >> included Robert Silverberg, who learned of fandom when reading Graham's column in a 1948 AMAZING * Will J. Jenkins - died on October 3, 1964, of a heart attack - was a member of Philadelphia fandom, past president of PSFS - was an active con-goer during the 1950s, attending the 1957 Loncon and the 1958 Solacon as well as eastern U.S. regionals and worldcons - was sometimes confused with the other Will Jenkins, who wrote science fiction under the pen name of Murray Leinster - was known as "the wittiest unpublished fan", though he occasionally had poems and humorous articles published in CRY and other fanzines * Don Ford - died in April 2, 1965 of cancer, at age 44 > discovery of cancer and subsequent operation by Doc Barrett too late - was founding member of First Fandom - was a founder of Midwestcon - long time member of Cincinnati Fantasy Group - had been attending conventions since 1948 Torcon - was associate chairman (with Howard DeVore) of 1966 Worldcon bid that was chaired by Ben Jason - best known as convention fan, but also published fanzines > was member of British apa OMPA since 1955 - was TAFF delegate to Europe in 1960 > his trip report (name?) was published by Lynn Hickman (where?) * Lee Jacobs - died in 1968 - had been a celebrated fan fiction writer in the 1950s > among his credits were "The Ballard Chronicles", the humorous fictional adventures of Dakota fan Wrai Ballard that appeared in the apa SAPS > also scripted "Redd Boggs - Superfan" that was recorded on tape by New Jersey fan Dave Ish; and "The Musquite Kid Rides Again" which once again featured the fictional accounts of SAPS members and became a 16-mm film production by L.A. fan-run Unicorn Productions - a typographical error in the title of his submission to a 1950s SAPS mailing helped create a new fannish term > "The Influence of Science Fiction on Modern American Filk Music" brought into general fannish use the term `filk' - tribute zine by Lon Atkins appeared in SFPA, where he had been a member * Max Keasler - died on August 12, 1968 at age 36, of cancer of the jaw - he was not active in the 1960s, but had been one of the leading fans in the golden age of the early 1950s > he was a St. Louis-area fan; Ray Nelson had interested him in fandom, and he had published a fanzine, FANVARIETY, while he was still in high school -- later, another fanzine, OPUS, became a focus of fan anger with the U.S. Post Office, which was refusing to mail some fanzines because of content and other obscure regulations >> the fourth issue, which had apparently had violated some arcane regulation involving staples got mailed when he went to other post offices in the St. Louis area. "It's the first time I ever border-ran a fanzine," he said later. -- his fanzine publishing brought him into contact with many prominent fans of that era, including Walt Willis and Lee Hoffman > he, along with Lee Hoffman, Walt Willis, and others, were part of what became known as Sixth Fandom, a very fannish, fanzine-oriented group of fans that dominated early 1950s fandom > in 1951, on the way to the New Orleans Worldcon, he met up with Rich Elsberry from Minnesota, and Roger Sims and Ed Kuss from Detroit; they went on to create a fannish legend when they `hosted' the Room 770 party there > left fandom abruptly when he enlisted in the Navy; he credited his fanac with getting him a good Navy job -- as Lee Hoffman later remembered him, "Max was the personification of Sixth Fandom in America: young, witty, enthusiastic. He openly avowed that he never read science fiction. He blazed across the fan skies, speaking in interlineations, publishing monthly, filling the world with Ray Nelson drawings. Then he disappeared." [from AWoF] * Charles Lee Riddle - died on October 18, 1968, at age 45 - became active in fandom in 1948 when he joined the NFFF, but had been a member of a non-SF apa, the American Amateur Press Association, eight years earlier - succeeded in producing a high-quality fanzine, PEON, in spite of the handicap of being on active duty in the U.S. Navy > fanzine was discontinued only when Riddle went on an extended period of shipboard duty, in 1956 > he rejoined the NFFF in 1962 after leaving the Navy, but never resumed large-scale fan publishing - his son, Ira Lee Riddle, was also an active fan * Dale Hart - (details) * Julius Unger - died Jan. 15, 1963 of heart failure > had suffered an earlier heart attack - was best known for fan activities in the 1940s (see ALL OUR YESTERDAYS) - had recently revived a WWII fan magazine, FANTASY FICTION FIELD, with Harvey Inman > one issue had been published at the time of his death * Seth Johnson - died on March 11, 1969, after suffering a heart attack several days earlier - a NYC-area fan, attended ESFA meetings and conventions in the winter months > could not attend conventions in warmer months due to his job as a Good Humor salesman - (feuding/nastiness between him and some fanzine fans, briefly cover) - his main connection with fandom was through the NFFF > he ran a fanzine clearing house, which provided fanzines to people just entering fandom > was also part of the NFFF Welcome Committee - Don Anderson later remembered Seth as "a pleasant agreeable sort, willing to put up with a neo's questions. He used no intellectual flashiness to try to impress. He was just a down-to-earth, gentle soul." [source: Brooks 14Dec00 email] * Harold Palmer Piser - died in early 1969, at age 75, of cancer - was not really a fan, though he often showed up at various NYC fan club meetings - he became involved with fans after he retired from his mundane job as an insurance investigator > his hobby had been indexing, and he took on the impossible task of compiling a complete fanzine index - he re-published a previous fanzine index that had been published in the early 1950s by Bob Pavlat and Bill Evans - was in the process of working on a newer and updated index when he fell ill - the project was never taken up by anyone else, and Piser's notes were destroyed, as he had requested > there has never been a comprehensive fanzine index published since then * Arthur Rose "Doc" Weir - British fan - died on March 4, 1961 - had large SF collection - annual award named after him, Doc Weir Award, presented at each Eastercon > a recognition award for service to British fandom > first recipient was Peter Mabey, in 1963, for his work with the BSFA lending library > subsequent winners in the 1960s included Archie Mercer, Terry Jeeves, Ken Slater, Doreen Parker, Mary Reed, and Beryl Mercer * Ray Van Houten - died on November 30, 1963 of a brain tumor - was co-editor of FANTASY TIMES, which won Hugo Award in 1950s * Eric Jones - British fan whose fan-related activities went back before World War Two - died in Jan. 8, 1967 of a brain tumor > had been in and out of hospital since July 1966 - an all-around fan; had been interested in fanzines, clubs, conventions, filming and taping - member of Cheltenham Circle (founder?) - chairman of 1961 British Eastercon (LXIcon) - edited or co-edited several fanzines, including SIDEREAL and TRIODE - one of founders of Order of St. Fantony, back in 1957 > was Grand Master of the organization at time of his death - ran unsuccessfully for TAFF in 1966, finishing second to Tom Schlueck - contributor to fanzines, including THE DAMNED PATROL, a fanzine that was organized by Joe Gibson for SF fans who were also interested in aviation * Bob Richardson - British fan, active in the Cheltenham Circle - died on April 1, 1963 at age 42 - best know for activities in the Order of St. Fantony, of which he was one of founders and where he was Knight Armorer * Vol Molesworth - died July 14, 1964, at age 39, after a long heart-related illness [source: RClarke 24Nov00 email] - fan activities started in the post-War 1940s > led a revival of the Sydney Futurians fan club in 1947 - one of leading Australian fans of 1950s > played a leading part in three Australian National Conventions that were held in Sydney that decade > operated a private press that was partly devoted to science fiction -- published Larnack's CHECKLIST OF AUSTRALIAN FANTASY -- also published one part of a planned history of Australian fandom, written by himself - his life outside of fandom was also full of activity > was a noted mathematician, and wrote two books on logic, LOGIC FOR BEGINNERS and LANDMARKS IN LOGIC > held a radio amateur license, and for a while was Manager of the University of New South Wales's educational radio station - Ron Clarke later remembered him as "a strong and unique personality. He despised complacency and triviality, and set himself and others high standards. Those able to think beyond the immediate horizon and concerned to make the most of themselves, as he was, were best able to enjoy his friendship." - more about Molesworth and his activities will be covered in a later chapter * Les Croutch - died from heart attack suffered while shoveling snow from driveway on January 2, 1969 - one of leading Canadian fans of the 1960s > lived in Ontario - member of FAPA in early 1960s - wrote and sold some fiction (need details) * Ken McIntyre - British fan - died of pancreatitis in August 1968 - fan artist who contributed to fanzines - fan art award named after him * Bob Farnham - died on Dec. 30, 1965 of cancer - was long-time member of NFFF > not too well known outside of the NFFF - had attended several Worldcons, including Chicon II in 1952 - had a few stories published in Ray Palmer's prozines - not long afterwards, Billy Pettit announced he was collecting material for a memorial fanzine * Burton Crane - died in early February, 1963, in New York City - was member of FAPA from 1946-1952 - was also a member of the National APA, on and off, from 1912 > had joined when he was 11 years old - was also author of several books on business and the stock market * Ed Wyman - died in March of 1966, of pneumonia developing from influenza, at age 63 - Seattle area fan > attended mostly west coast conventions - besides fan actives, was also an avid spelunker and photographer * Royal Drummond - died of a heart attack on April 22, 1964, at age 45 - had been active in The Nameless Ones of Seattle fandom in the 1950s - had also been a member of SAPS and FAPA in the 1950s * Dave Foley - New York City fan, part of the Nunnery in the 1950s > also a member of the Fanarchists and the New York S-F Circle > wrote humorous and satirical material for the 1950s fanzine INSIDE - died of leukemia on October 23, 1963 at age 31 - was a co-founder of the Fantasy Film Club - was also a professional novelist > wrote an sf novel, "The Day the Earth Froze" for Monarch Books, under the pseudonym of "Gerald Hatch" * Dr. Thomas Gardner - died on November 11, 1963 at age 55, an apparent suicide > two months earlier, had sold his entire sf collection to Gerry de la Ree - was member of First Fandom ((note: need confirmation on this)) - wrote for James Taurasi's fanzine FANTASY TIMES - was a research chemist, also studied gerontology and rocketry * Lewis Grant - died on July 12, 1968, just before he was to have left to travel to Wisconsin for Jon and Joni Stopa's annual Wilcon summer get-together - cause of death was a heart attack > died in an ambulance on the way to the hospital > the night before, he had received medical attention for a serious bronchial attack - was a Chicago area fan, known as a convention-goer and a punster > back in 1950s, was a founder of the University of Chicago SF Club > was a member of the American Rocket Society and MENSA - had been one of the first so-called "blue babies" to have corrective surgery > it became known later that he had donated his body to science > he was just 36 years old * Herb Scofield - died on January 20, 1969, at age 59 - a Philadelphia fan, whose main fanac was conventions * Chuck Devine - a teenage fan from Idaho, who published a dittoed fanzine, PILIKIA - died in 1961 from a hunting accident [source: TWhite 28Sep00 email] * Elizabeth Cullen - died on February 24, 1969, at age 73, of cancer - she was a life member of Washington SF Association > had beed the club's secretary for many years > had hosted the club's meetings at her spacious home from 1955 to 1967 * Marijane Johnson - died on March 12, 1969 from muscular dystrophy - had undergone an operation in February, which evidently was not a success - was a member of the NFFF, but was an invalid whose fanac was writing for fanzines >> in her writings, she dealt with her illness, and the effects from it - she was very popular, however; fans in Spokane, Washington (where she lived) and in Seattle collected enough money to bring her to the 1961 Seattle Worldcon, the only convention she ever attended - after her death, a one-shot fanzine JANEY'S JOURNAL was edited by Clayton Hamlin and published by Robert Lambeck; it was a collection of her writings